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You Will Not Be A Start-Up Forever

This title right here came to me this morning when a friend of mine messaged and said “someone just hit me up, wants to make a logo and three fliers for 10k naira.”

I replied stating a problem I myself was dealing with – a problem of the same nature…

… and the excuse most of the time with these kind of people is, “I am a start-up, please help me.”

So this was our conclusion after we exchanged sob stories for a bit, my friend and I.  We LOVE start-ups. We love being a part of your journey. Helping small businesses with their branding is one of the “whys” of us here at #thekweenmedia.


You will not be a start-up forever.

And the earlier you begin to hold on to that growth mentality, the better for you.

I will not even address those businesses cashing out big time monthly but use the “start-up” card just so they can pay lower than the value they are looking forward to receiving. Nope, this post is not for you; but may the force be with y’all.

So for the businesses who have stayed in the start-up mode since forever, it is time to grow, and here are a few tips to help you!

1. Have faith! Seriously, have faith in the value you bring and give. You know why? When you do know the value you bring, you can charge for your products and services appropriately. You know what happens when you charge appropriately and get paid what you deserve? You can delegate! For instance, you can delegate a graphic designer to handle all your design needs – and also pay that person what he/she really deserves for a tremendous job.

When you don’t get paid enough, how are you going to pay other people?

2. Pick your strategy and make decisions quickly! Do you know how much time some people spend on deciding and switching things up in their logos? When there’s bigger fish to fry like getting customers, making money, retaining clients, creating original content – I can go on and on – but no, you decide after 8 different logos that you have not decided. When you are not #inecnigeria.

Thing is, if your aim is to grow your business thru quality strategy and other marketing techniques, the business IS GOING to need a new logo in a couple years!

Like someone said, when you are hunting big game, don’t swat mosquitoes!

3. Language! You know what I hear a lot in the bid of getting some form of empathy? “I am a small business o, my sister.” The Kween Media is not a year old yet, and I already stopped saying I’m a small business.

Words sink into and sync with your psyche! What you say to yourself and to others, is what you and them begin and continue to realize.

Except you want your business to be #turnioniown with little or no progress, watch what you say about it!

You don’t want to stay a start-up forever, say “not me!”


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